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KIA - MeshFree in Toronto (NUMISHEET2022)

The NUMISHEET conference series is the most influential international conference in the field of Numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes ( numerical analysis of sheet metal forming processes), and the most prominent experts in the field of numerical analysis of sheet metal forming processes gather to exchange ideas and discuss technologies related to sheet metal forming processes.


Kiturami-Bumyang - For engineers who want optimal design

What kind of work are you currently doing?


Hello . I am Park Han-bit, chief researcher at Kiturami-Bumyang Air Conditioning Research Institute .

Our company produces and sells air conditioners and refrigeration air conditioners.

I am working on product development, design and analysis of general air conditioning equipment.

In this process, I have been using NFX since 2017. It was used for the purpose of identifying the cause of the optimal design and when an issue occurred or checking expected problems in advance.

Nowadays, NFX is also used for the purpose of creating customer consulting materials .

Meshfree mold

KIA - I escaped the painful mesh work!

Q. Please briefly introduce yourself.

Hello. I am Lee Kyung-gyu, manager of the KIA Molding Design Team.

My team is responsible for designing the body parts production tools,

and I am responsible for strength analysis in the broad area of ​​mold design.